Cultural Challenges Faced By Women in Accessing Maternal Healthcare Services
Women in Pakistan face numerous cultural challenges in accessing maternal healthcare services. The study aims to see what cultural barriers women face in seeking health care services and decision-making. The objective was to study the challenges, women's autonomy, women's health-seeking behavior, and food taboos, that limit access to women attending healthcare services. Using Exploratory methodology, in-depth interviews were held with 24 such women in Jhang Sayedan Islamabad, in May 2023. Findings suggested that although women do want to receive healthcare services, cultural barriers often make it difficult for such women to access healthcare services and food taboos are sometimes useful, but they sometimes also affect women's health negatively. Other challenges such as lack of knowledge, not having the right to decision-making, limited support, hierarchy, and taboos need to be tackled. Men are crucial in deciding a woman's medical requirements and determining whether they need medical assistance or not.
Patriarchy Stigma Taboos Gender Barriers Maternal Health Decision Making Women Autonomy Health Seeking Behavior
(1) Amna Mukhtar
Graduate, Department of Anthropology, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University (PMAS-Arid), Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
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Cite this article
APA : Mukhtar, A. (2023). Cultural Challenges Faced By Women in Accessing Maternal Healthcare Services. Global Anthropological Studies Review, VI(I), 11-24.
CHICAGO : Mukhtar, Amna. 2023. "Cultural Challenges Faced By Women in Accessing Maternal Healthcare Services." Global Anthropological Studies Review, VI (I): 11-24 doi: 10.31703/gasr.2023(VI-I).02
HARVARD : MUKHTAR, A. 2023. Cultural Challenges Faced By Women in Accessing Maternal Healthcare Services. Global Anthropological Studies Review, VI, 11-24.
MHRA : Mukhtar, Amna. 2023. "Cultural Challenges Faced By Women in Accessing Maternal Healthcare Services." Global Anthropological Studies Review, VI: 11-24
MLA : Mukhtar, Amna. "Cultural Challenges Faced By Women in Accessing Maternal Healthcare Services." Global Anthropological Studies Review, VI.I (2023): 11-24 Print.
OXFORD : Mukhtar, Amna (2023), "Cultural Challenges Faced By Women in Accessing Maternal Healthcare Services", Global Anthropological Studies Review, VI (I), 11-24
TURABIAN : Mukhtar, Amna. "Cultural Challenges Faced By Women in Accessing Maternal Healthcare Services." Global Anthropological Studies Review VI, no. I (2023): 11-24.