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APA : Ahmad, A. (2022). Sociodemographic Factors Contributing to Youth Recidivism: A Case Study of District Swabi. Global Anthropological Studies Review, V(I), 29-37.
CHICAGO : Ahmad, Afzal. 2022. "Sociodemographic Factors Contributing to Youth Recidivism: A Case Study of District Swabi." Global Anthropological Studies Review, V (I): 29-37 doi: 10.31703/gasr.2022(V-I).04
HARVARD : AHMAD, A. 2022. Sociodemographic Factors Contributing to Youth Recidivism: A Case Study of District Swabi. Global Anthropological Studies Review, V, 29-37.
MHRA : Ahmad, Afzal. 2022. "Sociodemographic Factors Contributing to Youth Recidivism: A Case Study of District Swabi." Global Anthropological Studies Review, V: 29-37
MLA : Ahmad, Afzal. "Sociodemographic Factors Contributing to Youth Recidivism: A Case Study of District Swabi." Global Anthropological Studies Review, V.I (2022): 29-37 Print.
OXFORD : Ahmad, Afzal (2022), "Sociodemographic Factors Contributing to Youth Recidivism: A Case Study of District Swabi", Global Anthropological Studies Review, V (I), 29-37
TURABIAN : Ahmad, Afzal. "Sociodemographic Factors Contributing to Youth Recidivism: A Case Study of District Swabi." Global Anthropological Studies Review V, no. I (2022): 29-37.